Monday, January 17, 2011

Ashlyn Rose 10 months old!

Ashlyn Rose turned 10 months old last Thursday. I can't believe that she is almost a year old. She keeps us so busy. Ashlyn weighs right at 18 lbs and wears size 3 diapers and size 12 clothes. Her schedule is 8:30am- bottle, 10:30am-nap, lunch at noon, 2pm-bottle, 3:30pm-nap, dinner at 6pm and bottle at 8pm before bed. It is great that she sleeps until 8:30am because I can get Abby Grace up and to school and back before she wakes up. Justin is always home sleeping too.
Ashlyn would much rather have food than a bottle. This is the first month that we started her on table food. She loves eggs, biscuits, cheerios and cheese. Ashlyn is still cruising, standing and is fast as lightening. She claps, plays peek-a-boo and patty cake. Ashlyn loves to play with doors and talk on the phone. Her words include: Mama, Dada, Bottle, Bye, Hi, Gigi and Stop. She still does not like fruit!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! She is getting so big!! I know you are so proud of her. I'm trying not to blink, because I know Colt will be that age before I know it!
